Stilly Valley Health Connections

Public Hospital District #3, Snohomish County

Programs and resources that support a healthier community.

WINTER ADVISORY: We use Arlington Public Schools as the guideline regarding cancelling classes and programs due to adverse weather conditions. If school is cancelled for the day, all our in-person classes and programs are cancelled. If there is a late start, all our morning classes are cancelled. If school is dismissed early due to poor weather conditions, all our in-person programs and events for the afternoon and evening will be cancelled. Click HERE to see if Arlington Public school has a late start or is closed due to weather conditions. Note: This does NOT impact online classes.

Health & Wellness Programs

Stilly Valley Trek

January 11th, 2021|Categories: |Tags: |

Prize winners received notifications via email Monday, February 22nd EXPLORATION IDEAS Airport Trail Centennial Trail Eagle Trail Pioneer Museum Pond Walking Trail River Meadows Park Twin Rivers Park Join the Stilly Valley Trek This Year! Did you know... an eagle flies 30 miles a day on average? How many Eagle Days will you commit to exercising and other activities that get you moving and exploring your Valley during this year’s festival? Participants of all abilities and ages 13+ can register online with their own exercise goals to reach between January [...]

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Cooking & Nutrition Programs

April 16th, 2020|Categories: |Tags: |

On-Line Cooking & Nutrition Presentations Stilly Valley Health Connections has a number of cooking & nutrition presentations available to view on demand.   Taught by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists from Sound Dietitians, each presentation has supplemental information  to be viewed and printed.  All presentation topics are listed below. Click on the topic to view the link to the presentation as well as the handouts. Description:  Inflammation is now implicated as a major contributor to many chronic diseases. What we eat can play a significant role in managing [...]

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Germ Busters – Handwashing Program

September 20th, 2018|Categories: |Tags: |

What is Germ Busters? Stilly Valley Health Connections offers a Germ Busters Program that teaches children (and adults too) the proper techniques on handwashing using a fun, interactive learning experience. Germ Busters is offered year round, however the most popular time is in late fall, right before cold and flu season hits. What do we do? We start the program talking about germs, how they spread and can cause an illness, such as a cold or the flu.  For younger participants, we read 'Buddy Bear's Handwashing Troubles' by Marjorie T. Cooke.  This leads into instruction on how to [...]

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